5 Common Myths About EU Citizenship Debunked

Over the years, Polaron’s team have heard some interesting myths about European citizenship. Yet, as the world’s oldest European citizenship specialist company, we know what’s fact from fiction. Now we’re setting the record straight by debunking five citizenship myths.


Myth No. 1: You can’t hold dual citizenship with the US or other countries.

The US, Australia, Canada and UK all allow dual citizenship with European countries and vice versa. If you’re applying for citizenship through descent (from your ancestors), you can have dual citizenship in Europe and your home country.

There are other pathways to EU citizenship which may not allow dual citizenship. For example, twelve EU countries don’t allow dual citizenship via naturalization. These are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain. However, you can still have dual citizenship in these countries if you’re applying through citizenship by descent.


Myth No. 2: You must speak the language to gain European citizenship.

Language is not a requirement for citizenship by descent. If you are eligible for citizenship via your ancestors, you are reclaiming what you already have the right to possess. Therefore, there are no language requirements for the person applying for citizenship.

Only the documents which prove your right to citizenship will need to be translated. These can be birth certificates, marriage documents and general proof of your lineage. But the individual applying via descent does not have to prove any language abilities to the country where they’re applying for citizenship. You may have to prove language abilities if applying for citizenship via naturalization and some other citizenship pathways.


Myth No. 3: You can only gain EU citizenship through your parents.

Citizenship by descent doesn’t always have to be passed on through your parents. You can reclaim citizenship through your grandparents and sometimes even your great-grandparents. Whilst citizenship by descent is the most common pathway to citizenship, it is not the only option either.

Citizenship pathways depend on the country you are applying for, as well as whether you meet the eligibility criteria. Other pathways to citizenship include naturalization, restitution, investment or marriage. These pathways provide another option to gain European citizenship if you’re not eligible through descent. There are many pathways to citizenship and you just need to find the easiest one for you!


Myth No. 4: You must live in a European country to get citizenship.

There is no need to live in the applicant country for most citizenship pathways. You don’t need to even set foot in the country and you can still be eligible for citizenship by descent! Once you have citizenship you can apply for an EU passport from anywhere in the world and you will have access to all 27 European countries.


Myth No. 5: You’ll be taxed in both countries that you have citizenship in.

Dual citizenship can require some proactive thinking when it comes to tax time but if you’re putting your tax in correctly, you will not be taxed extra. In fact, dual citizenship can lead to financial benefits as it increases potential business opportunities overseas.

Every G20 country (except the US) bases taxes on your physical location, as well as business and personal ties. In the US, your taxes are based on your presence over a three-year period. Tax treaties between these countries mean you will be taxed depending on where you’re mainly living or working.

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact our team of specialists today to start your journey towards European citizenship!

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